Wednesday, February 23, 2005

muhasabatun nafsi..

Read the Quran..Today, Tomorrow and Everyday..

The ex-British President who was also The Secretary of British Colony in Malaya in the 19th century said, “So long as the Muslims have the Quran, we shall be unable to dominate them. We must either take it from them, or make them lose their love for it”.

Starting from the era of Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Yahudis (Jews), the Nasrani (Christians), have been trying to destroy the Aqidah of Muslims especially of the youngsters. They have been trying to demolish the Ukhuwwah (brotherhood) that was built by Rasulullah SAW among the Muslims and are planning much more evil in order to realize their mission.

In the Al-Baqarah it is stated, “Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion”- (Al-Baqarah: 120).

Let’s look into our society and examine it by looking into our inner selves. Whether we realize it or not but the non-believers have somewhat succeeded in their mission. Muslims, especially youngsters, have no interest in the reciting of the Quran. They don’t read or recite the Quran even once in a day. This circumstance is still worse since some of the Muslim youngsters cannot read the Quran or find it hard even to remember the basic surahs of the Holy Book.

Music seems more interesting compared to listening to the Words of Allah (The Recitation of Al-Quran). We like to listen to and easily remember the songs but hardly feel the need to remember the Surahs in the Quran. We love to read novels and entertainment magazines rather than reciting the Quran. We can spend much of our times to read them, but we don’t have time to read the Quran. We like to adore the Superstars and make them as our idols but we refuse to make the Muslim scholars as our idols.

Hence, let’s contemplate on all of the stuff above, and we can see how the objectives of the infidels affect our daily lives without our realizing it. So it indicates that the mission of the enemy of Islam is being fulfilled. So what are we doing?

When a society or nation obeys Allah with heart and soul they are fully rewarded for their actions, as Amirulmu’menin Ali (Karamallahu wajhah) said,: “When man feels obedience to God in command of his life and virtue shows him the straight path, hardships end and patience, though bitter bears sweet fruit. The tidal wave of fortunes dash and ten break and recede and God’s mercy extends over us all”. Likewise God promises in the Quran (verses 2 and 3, Surah At-Thalaq (Divorce). “And whoever keeps his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him, and will provide for him from (A quarter) whence he has no expectation”.

So let us read the Quran today, tomorrow and everyday, and have a nice day with the nice rewards from Allah. Being close to the Quran means we are closer to Allah. Reward from Allah cannot be seen or even touched, but it can de felt by those who are sincere in getting the Barakah and the Mercy from Allah…

Penawar hati
Ingatkan Allah…
Bacalah Al-Quran..
Jiwakan tenang…


Anonymous said...


Berita utama akhbar perdana
“Kesalahan bunuh: Gantung sampai mati!
Kesalahan rogol: 20 tahun penjara dan 10 sebatan!”
Demikian hukuman putus Hakim Datuk M. Ideres M. Rapee
Penghakiman kes tragik Mendiang Canny Ong Lay Kian
Rentetan penculikan, rogol dan bunuh
Mayat dibuang ke lubang pembentungan lalu dibakar
Lantas komen si tertuduh Ahmad Najib Aris:
“Saya anggap semua ini satu ujian.
Ujian satu cabaran untuk menguji kesabaran manusia.”
Namun yang lebih sadis butir bicaranya
Pearly Visvanathan ibu si mangsa
“Saya tidak marah dia (Najib) sepenuhnya,
tapi saya marahkan Tuhan kerana dia seolah-olah mempermainkan saya!!!”

Salah siapa hendak dikata..
Salah mereka atau Ahmad Najib sahaja?

Sebenar dan sesungguhnya
Manusiawi sudah di penghujung usia
Rasa berTuhan sudah kian mati
Kasih sayang sudah di satah imaginasi
Membiar dendam kesumat melokus di paksi realiti
Genting mahabbah mencerun di landasan nan curam
Mengizin hasad khianat memecut di halaju maksima
Mesra harmoni pula di posisi sendeng miring
Memperkasa geseran nafsu serakah di litar gersang
Dan terus beraksi ganas di landaian songsang
Serta turut dijulang dirai di podium kesesatan
Hingga akhirnya..
Hidup tiada pentas sanjungan, mati tiada tugu peringatan.

Salah siapa hendak dikata..
Beban dirinya atau kita terus bersahaja?

Aku dan saudara-saudaraku
Inilah dia jejak-jejak jahiliyyah
Perlumbaan ‘Formula 1’ kemaksiatan
Mencakar menderumi jiwa tiada berfikrah
Berbaris panjang membeli tiket menghantar ke neraka
Di mana penganjurnya syaitan laknatulLah
Sayyarahnya pula sistem korupsi berpollusi
Penajanya protokol Yahudi dan dakyah Nasara
Penyiarnya media massa bernorma kian celaru
Venuenya pusat hiburan melambak menggegar hedonisme
Penyaksinya jasad-jasad insani lesu tarbiyyah
Pengkritiknya domba-domba punya kepentingan diri
Bi’ahnya dicipta masyarakat yang hidup nafsi-nafsi
Jua ber`samba’ bid’ah yang makin menjadi-jadi
Hingga akhirnya..
Dalam terang, bayangan kemusnahan bertapuk sembunyi.

Salah siapa hendak dikata..
Tugas bersama atau biarkan sahaja?

Aku dan saudara-saudaraku
Inilah pula jejak-jejak kebahagiaan
Ayuh bersama memetik bintang gemintang
Mencari pintasan mencatur langkah-langkah khair
Agar cermin hati bisa bersinar terang benderang
Tentunya amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar solusi pasti
Bersama bai’ah menjadi janji terpakai:
Allah matlamat tujuan murni nurani
Rasul an-Nabiy qudwah hasanah mithali
Al-Qur’an perlembagaan tertinggi diimplementasi serasi
Sunnah Junjungan Mulia ikutan di hati dan jawarih
Islam ad-Deen menjadi panji
Syahid cita-cita teragung mu’min sejati
Bersama munaqasyah, muhadarah dan muhasabah
Membentuk al-quwwah dissertasi amanah
Hingga akhirnya..
Dalam gerhana, kebenaran mengambang penuh makna!

Salah siapa???

Ghurfati, UIAM
24 Februari 2005, 6.57pm.

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